20 Sep 2022

How long could you stay away from your phone?

Do you spend most of your daily hours scrolling through your feed on your smartphone? We tend to pick up our phones in every situation, be it while you're eating, sleeping, working or even socialising.

18 Oct 2022

What are the security issues of social media?

It`s a good idea to reserve your brand`s handle on all social media channels, even if you don`t plan to use them all right away. This allows you to maintain a consistent presence across networks, making it easy for people to find you.

20 Oct 2022

What are the ways to be safe on the internet?

The Internet is a huge part of many people's everyday lives. It's fun, useful, and informative, but can also be dangerous, no matter how safe you feel while browsing. By getting into the habit of using good Internet safety practices, you can ...

24 Oct 2022

Is the Expansion Of The Metaverse going to take over in 5 years?

The metaverse is a concept of an online, 3D, virtual space connecting users in all aspects of their lives. It would connect multiple platforms, similar to the internet containing different websites accessible through a single browser.

27 Oct 2022

Is Quantum Computing going to change the web forever?

Quantum computing has the potential to radically change the world around us by revolutionising industries such as finance, pharmaceuticals, AI, and automotive over the next several years. The value of quantum computers comes as a result of ...

31 Oct 2022

Role of technology in business and advertising

Technology in business is a growing necessity. As the years go by, the business world is leaning more and more toward it, making it almost impossible to separate the two from each other. Innovation breeds business, and since technology paves ...