Unattended social media accounts
It`s a good idea to reserve your brand`s handle on all social media channels, even if you don`t plan to use them all right away. This allows you to maintain a consistent presence across networks, making it easy for people to find you.
But it`s important not to ignore the accounts you don`t use yet, the ones you stopped using, or don`t use often.
Human error
Everyone makes mistakes. In today`s busy world, it is all too easy for an employee to accidentally expose the company to threats online. In fact, "employee weakness" was responsible for 20% of cyberattacks, according to the EY global information Security Survey. Something as simple as clicking on the wrong link or downloading the wrong file could wreak havoc.
Vulnerable third-party apps
Locking down your own social accounts is great. But hackers may still be able to gain access to secure social media through vulnerabilities in connected third-party apps
Phishing attacks and scams
Phishing scams create social media information security risks. In a phishing scam, the goal is to get you or your employees to hand over passwords, banking details, or other private information.
Imposter accounts
It`s relatively easy for an imposter to create a social media account that looks like it belongs to your company. This is one reason why it`s so valuable to get verified on social networks.
Malware attacks and hacks
If hackers gain access to your social media accounts, they can cause enormous band reputation damage.
Unsecured mobile phones
Mobile devices account for more than half the time we spend online. Using social network apps makes it easy to access social media accounts with just one tap.
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