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24 Dec 2021

Science has advanced a lot, and with the impossible, they are turning it into possible. Artificial intelligence is mostly discussed. Examples of artificial intelligence typically include a pack of intelligent robots prone to invert the human race. Some of us may be intimidated by the progress of science and the way a robot does all the actions that humans can do. Strange, right?

In a recent study, more than 72% of Americans expressed concern about a future in which machines do a lot of human work. Moreover, tech billionaire Elon Musk, an advocate for the regulation of artificial intelligence, recently called AI more dangerous than nuclei.

But artificial intelligence is not just about robots, it is ubiquitous in computer phones and all electronic devices.

Artificial intelligence is all around us and plays an active role in our daily lives. Every time we open our Facebook news, do a Google search, get a product recommendation from Amazon or book a trip online, AI hides in the background.

We are listing some examples of artificial intelligence:

1. Amazone

Amazon is the king of Artificial Intelligence for e-commerce. Amazon uses artificial intelligence in almost every step of its process. Amazon has virtually rebuilt its business on artificial intelligence, with an abundance of AI projects. Simply put, if you have done anything on Amazon in the last five years, an algorithm has helped you do it.

2. Slack

Slack's artificial intelligence uses a data structure called a "work graph" to gather information about how each company and its employees use the tool and interact with each other.

Data from the "work schedule" can then be used to train artificial intelligence models that make Slack more user-friendly.

Slack search uses artificial intelligence to help users identify knowledge experts and the channels where they can be reached based on an analysis of who is talking about what and where.

3. Google

Google uses AI in a variety of areas, but the specific technology app on Google Maps makes our travels a little easier.

With AI-enabled mapping, the search giant technology scans route information and uses algorithms to determine the optimal route to take, whether on foot or by car, bike, bus or train.

4. Grammarly

Grammarly can help make everyone's writing clearer and more accurate. AI-enabled writing assistant combines data science, machine learning, authentication, and other forms of technology to make Grammarly as complete as possible when assisting professional writers and non-native English speakers.


These are some of them, but if we list them all there is no end.To artificial intelligence are also involved:


Social media

Disease mapping

Automated financial investing

Virtual travel booking agent

Social media monitoring

Inter-team chat tool

Conversational marketing bot etc, etc.


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