24 Oct 2022

Is the Expansion Of The Metaverse going to take over in 5 years?

The metaverse is a concept of an online, 3D, virtual space connecting users in all aspects of their lives. It would connect multiple platforms, similar to the internet containing different websites accessible through a single browser.

21 Nov 2022

Social media impact on marketing strategies

The Social Media have changed the power structures in the marketplace; evidence points to a major power migration taking place and to emergence of a new breed of powerful and sophisticated customer, difficult to influence, persuade and retain.

25 Jan 2023

Remote Vs Office Work Pros and Cons

When COVID-19 forced companies all over the world to send their employees home to work virtually, remote work had a big moment. Since that time home vs. the office work is now an available option for most working professionals.

31 Jan 2023

Ways to use social media to get a job

Nowadays everybody use social media, and everybody has different applications on their phone or computer. If you are using this social media and applications just to share photos or to update others about your life, you are doing it wrong.

09 Feb 2023

Tips to Avoid Stress Due to Coding

Programmers often feel stressed due to these unavoidable situations in their software engineering careers. Stress is not a new thing. Everyone experiences it, but there are several strategies to prevent it as well as managing it well. I will explain several tips...

10 Feb 2023

Facts About App Developers

Technology has taken our day-to-day lives to the next level. We are living in an era of technological advances. These advancements have made daily life more fun and convenient. Some of the popular examples include the internet and smartphones.